- Why is Color Critical? - Tip #7 Selecting the correct clothes colors that enhance your skin tone, eye and hair color can give you a healthy confident glow, rather than detract and make you look sick and pasty. Recall in my ClassyTip for week #1 that I explained how important it is to always look your best in both business and social situations. This week I’ll explain why understanding the importance of matching wardrobe colors to your body colors can make a significant difference in how you appear to others. Color theory is based on complementary and contrasting colors and shades. We now know that people have one of two different base undertone skin colors, either blue or yellow. This skin undertone does not apply to any specific culture or race, but to each individual. The fact is that certain colors will visually smooth out the texture on your face and bring out the natural colors in your eyes. When someone looks at you, or you look at yourself in the mirror, your skin looks clear and your eyes stand out. In the wrong color, your skin looks blotchy, you look pale and drawn, lines and shadows show, and your eyes look dull. When you select clothes in the color palette that flatters your natural coloring you will always look your best. You’ll look rested and refreshed. And when you look and feel your best, you’ll act your best. Training your eye to choose attractive clothing colors that are complementary to your skin, hair, and eyes will be a valuable skill as you build and maintain your wardrobe. You eliminate those pieces that you purchase and only wear once or twice because you just don’t feel ‘good’ when wearing them. How do you select the colors that are most flattering to wear? If you have an artist’s eye, you intuitively know. But, for those of us not artistically gifted, there are a couple of options. One is to hire a wardrobe color consultant, or the other is to educate yourself on your body’s undertones and which colors are best for you. And, even more important, which colors to stay away from. As part of helping people look their best, I’ve been involved with color theory for many years. If you'd like to explore this topic more, I've listed two of the best introductory books below - one for men and one for women. For Women: Color Me Beautiful by Mary Spillane and Christine Sherlock For Men: Color for Men by Carole Jackson Next week I’ll continue our discussion on clothing color, and explain how it can impact your image at work – for better or worse, and don't forget to visit my Forum that answers your questions on 'Becoming the Best You Can Be'. Do you have a friend or associate you think may like to receive my free, weekly ClassyTips Newsletter? If so, just press here to let them know. Also, remember you can always send your questions, thoughts, ideas, and suggestions directly to me at Kim's ClassyTips
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